Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Interview skills \(^--^)/

In your opinion, what is the most important thing you need to remember when you go in to an interview?
_ When entering an interview you want to show that you have confidence in yourself and that you can always bring something new to the table , its also important to try and impress the boss.

How should you prepare for an interview?
- To prepare for an interview you need to have all of your resume completed , you need a list of references , a list of skills you have , all of your background information should be filled out .

Describe your appearance.
- Your appearance should be presentable and first and foremost it should be PROFESSIONAL , therefore my appearance would probably be something simple like black dress pants with a blouse or dress shirt or a skirt and a blouse.

What are a couple of ways you can follow up the interview?
_ ways you can follow up on your interview are ,
you can write a follow-up thank you letter , or you can call maybe a couple of days later and see where the process of your resume is .

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